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Kat Trainor - Trainor Movement Co

Hey everyone, Kat here. If we haven’t met - hi how are you? I'm the studio owner. It’s hard to believe that the world has been this way for 2 years. (You all know what I’m talking about…) It’s harder to believe that merely 31 days after our grand opening we were told to shut down.

Between cases, isolations, outbreaks, lockdown, precautions, restrictions, etc. we have all struggled. I thought that climbing the mountain to get this ship sailing was the most stressful, but boy was I wrong. The real struggle now comes from the lack of government support.

We have seen way too many beloved businesses close their doors this year. Places that make people feel safe, and a part of a community. We don’t want to be the next “favourite space” gone with the wind after a sad goodbye. We have been welcomed to this neighbourhood with open arms and heard so many people chime in about how happy they are we are finally open! Our so-called “Relief benefit” covers less than 20% of our monthly operating expenses. You all know that Pilates isn’t cheap. That’s because there is lots to pay for that you don’t all see. It’s more than just a rent payment, utility bill, and employee wages. The government funding we receive is hardly enough to “relieve” us of the burden of shutting down.

Now is the time to try Pilates. Who knows when we’ll be back. Thank you immensely for all your support, condolences, and well wishes.

Here is what you can do to help support your local, woman owned, solo-entrepreneur, small biz:

With $: consider purchasing props, merch, or session packages to use when we reopen. Sign yourself up for future classes we have on our schedule. Opt to try a Zoom session!

Without $: share our page, like and save our posts - it helps more than you know. Tell a friend about us, or write us a google review (5 stars only ;) ) Stop by and say hello.

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